Murrieta Conservatorship
Helping You Help Your Loved Ones
In the state of California, conservatorship is a legal concept that allows a person to take legal control of another person. For example, a person may seek conservatorship of an elderly loved one who is no longer mentally or physically able to take care of his/her self. Additionally, a person may seek conservatorship of a person in his or her family who has lost his/her parents or is dealing with a serious disability and needs ongoing help.
Once a person has successfully obtained conservatorship of another family matter, he or she will be known as the conservator and will have legal control of the other person. This means that the conservator will have the legal right to make decisions for the person and will be responsible for acting in the person's best interests at all times.
When to Consider Conservatorship
Whenever families are dealing with an adult loved one who can no longer take care of him or herself and is in need of day-to-day assistance, conservatorship may be the best solution. This is due to the fact that disabled family members are unable to provide for themselves and will benefit from having an appointed individual looking out for them.
Securing Your Legal Representation
At Singleton Smith Law Offices, our Murrieta conservatorship attorneys know that every situation is unique and presents differing circumstances. Therefore, in some cases, conservatorship may be the best option and in other cases, it may be advantageous for family members to consider other alternatives. We work closely with our clients to inform them of their rights and also to help them get a better understanding of their options. We then provide the legal services and guidance clients need when considering or pursuing conservatorship of a beloved family member.
To learn how we can help you with this family law matter, contact our Murrieta conservatorship attorneys today! Give us a call!