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Will Your New Job Affect Your Child Custody or Support Orders?

The Impact of Your Job on Family Law Orders

When starting a new job, it's natural to wonder how it may affect your existing child custody or support orders. Changes in employment can sometimes necessitate adjustments to these orders, but this is only sometimes the case. Whether or not you need to be concerned depends on several factors, including changes in income, work hours, and geographical location.

Examples of when a new job may impact custody or child support include:

  • Significant increase or decrease in income: A substantial change in your earnings may prompt a review of child support payments, either increasing or decreasing the amount you are required to pay.
  • Relocation for work: If your new job requires you to move to a different city or state, this could affect your custody arrangement, particularly if it impacts your ability to spend time with your child.
  • Change in work hours: A new job with drastically different hours can influence your custody schedule, especially if it conflicts with the times you are currently allocated for childcare.
  • Job-related travel: A job that involves frequent travel may make it harder to adhere to the existing custody schedule, potentially leading to modifications.
  • Job stability: An unstable job situation may raise concerns about your ability to meet child support obligations, prompting a review.

In most cases, minor changes in employment won’t result in modifications to custody or support orders. However, consulting with a legal professional to understand your legal options may help you remain in compliance with your court orders.

What to Do If Your New Job Has Made Child Support Payments Difficult

If your new job has resulted in a lower income, making it challenging to meet your child support payments, don’t delay; take immediate action. The first step is to seek legal counsel. Consulting with a family law attorney like ours, who is experienced in California child support laws, can help you better understand your options.

Additionally, address these changes sooner rather than later. Waiting too long to act can result in falling behind on your support payments, leading to significant legal penalties, including wage garnishment, asset seizure, and even jail time.

Proactively addressing the situation by seeking a modification can help you address changes in your financial situation and work towards a new order that is fair and reflects your current situation.

How to Request a Child Support Modification in California

When your financial circumstances change significantly, you may need to request a modification to your child support order. In California, grounds for a child support modification center around whether a substantial change in circumstances has affected the original order. In addition to the changing circumstances surrounding the paying parent's income, changes in the child's needs, like increased educational or healthcare costs, can also justify requesting a modification.

The modification process typically involves:

  • Gathering necessary documentation regarding your new job and income.
  • Completing required forms, including the Request for Order (Form FL-300) and preparing your Income and Expense Declaration (Form FL-150).
  • Filing your forms with the court.
  • Serving the other parent.
  • Attending court hearings.

Throughout this process, it may be beneficial to work with a family law attorney to ensure that all paperwork is correctly completed and to present your case in court effectively. If you are considering requesting a modification or struggling to meet your child support obligation, reach out to Singleton Smith Law Offices, Inc. for guidance. 
